Wow! What an amazing day! We spent the day working with an organization (Clubhouse Guatemala), that we have had the privilege to be with before in Guatemala. This morning started with making rebar ladders for the foundation of a new bathroom, for a single mom. She lives in a village between Antigua,and Guatemala City called San Miguel.

Then the fun began! This afternoon was feeding about 80 kids, VBS, and plain outright horse playing. The kids warmed up to us quickly. I think the horseback rides and “slaps” games won them over.

Bernard and I were flat worn out after giving countless rides on our backs, galloping around the room,while the other kids hung on us, waiting their turn.Then was time for the singing, with full body motion,further wearing us out! After that? Football! (Soccer)
Angela immediately made a new friend, and they were inseparable. Lucy made presents of all of her art projects at at the end of the week gave Angela a full page decorated letter!
It was an exhausting day, but so much fun Interacting with the kids,and seeing them being exposed to a Christian atmosphere.This is such a loving organization, that truly cares for the villages and people they work with. We decided to take a day off and then went back for more!
The addition on a house that is being built for a family in San Miguel Guatemala is making great progress. A team from Canada was at the Clubhouse Guatemala Mission House for a week, working on it. We happily joined in. We were able to work along side one of the local Mason’s, chipping concrete, building metal ladders for the wall, and laying cinder block walls. I really enjoyed the hands on experience learning to mix the mortar and concrete, level each layer, and lay the blocks. Using what felt like antiquated tools, we experienced what daily life as a mason is like in Guatemala. Other interesting tools were a plumb line, that consisted of string and two wooden dowl-like pieces.I did add my “power tool” to the mix, a Ryobi reciprocating saw, to cut the metal.
The most fun tool was a thick machete that was used to score blocks, and ultimately cut them to size.
I feel more every day, that the world is made up of good people, only tainted by a minority of the bad. Everyone, regardless of where they were born, should have the ability to be happy, live life, and have basic shelter and food. I love that the Clubhouse Guatemala, offers these exact things to so many local villagers, all the while sharing the love of Christ with each one, so they can be eternally happy and saved.
When you know you are in the right place at the right time, it is so peaceful and exciting! So much world to cover, I can’t wait to see the rest!
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